Dear Donors,
Our world looks different now with COVID-19. But that doesn’t mean we cannot make a difference – in fact, it’s needed now more than ever. We’re excited to let you know about changes in our program that will help you make an impact from wherever you are, whenever you can.
Due to the rapid spread of coronavirus in Armenia, a state of emergency has been declared in our country. Armenian schools are closed and children have to miss their school programs. We provide distance education to our beneficiaries who are school-age children, and help them overcome psychological and social challenges. Our organization is starting to implement its current programs and mission remotely.

In remote communities of Armenia, people live in extreme poverty. It is difficult for parents to build a prosperous life for their children, as many of them can barely make a living. The goal of our team is to improve the quality of life for children in these families, and most importantly, educate them.
Our pre-selected pedagogical staff regularly organizes non-formal meetings in these remote regions and in Yerevan, providing beneficiaries with necessary school-based knowledge and “life skills”.
Our team has taken a step towards a new way of learning – distance learning. Right now, in this new reality, the mental and psychological stability and health of children are important for us. They understand that this period is transitory, and there are always ways to solve the challenges from it. We encourage children to be patient and, of course, to continue their education online.
Dear Donors,
We want to inform you that we created a coaching group in the Armenian remote regions that support our beneficiaries and control our supervising programs. The members of our group will help us to find solutions to problems that arise during this state of emergency. During this difficult and alarming period, we need your support more than ever, and remember that each of your gestures is very important to them. Your support keeps them smiling.