About Us
Zartonk-89 Charitable NGO strives to promote the mental, physical development, and improvement of the lives of vulnerable groups of children, adolescents and young people through educational, social, health, environmental, charitable programs.
To help solve the problems of children, adolescents and young people in education, health and social issues: Implement educational, social, health, environmental, community development and empowerment programs. To promote the development of intercultural learning and dialogue, as well as the culture of peace, the promotion of an atmosphere of tolerance in the Republic of Armenia and worldwide. Develop cooperation between international and local organizations. Develop cooperation between international and local organizations. To contribute to the solution of the problems facing the youth of the Republic of Armenia and to raising legal awareness. Develop the volunteer sector of the organization.
Organization structure
The highest body of the organization is the general meeting, which convenes once every 5 years and makes important decisions. The organization also has a board of seven, which holds quarterly meetings as well as extraordinary sessions and makes decisions on the organization’s activities. The Board of Directors is the chairman of the organization between the meetings of the Board.
The staff
The organization’s programs involve both contract workers and suitably qualified professionals.